Indulge in a natural and
deep tissue rebalancing...

Experiencing stress on a daily basis is exhausting...
Do you suffer from emotional changes?
Anxiety does not allow you to move forward?
A harmonization of the nervous system is essential to soothe and unravel your emotions, relax and enjoy a deeper sleep.

Often pain prevents from focusing on what is important...
Do you have transit, digestive or gynecological problems?
Does muscle discomfort stop you from moving freely?
Tissue rebalancing and the relaxation of muscular and organic tensions are necessary for a body to regain its movement and elasticity essential to its proper functioning and above all without pain.

Do you accumulate toxins following medication treatments ?
The improvement of the blood and lymphatic system's circulation allows the oxygenation and elimination of toxins improving fluidity throughout the entire body.
What is fascia ?
The Fascia is a deep connective tissues that wraps and connects muscles, tendons, ligaments and all the organs of the body from head to toe following the tension/compression principal of biotensegrity.
The functions of communication, support, nutrition, gliding and defence of the body are carried out by the fascias.
It is a sensory organ on its own, reacting to physical, mental and emotional stress creating tensions that will accumulate over time producing pain.
What is the role of fascia ?
The functions of communication, support, nutrition, gliding and defense of the body are carried out by the fascia.
It allows us to move around with a fine perception of space, without the need of vision.
Fascia sensitivity is both internal and external. Internally, the fascia has many nerve terminations that inform the brain about painful or pleasant stimulations. Externally it captures the forms of the environment, both material and subtle and gives us the landmarks of the three-dimensional space.
How does fascia work ?
Fascia is an energy vector in many forms.
On the one hand, it is a piezo-electric transformer, that is, it will transform some of the mechanical energy generated by the movements of the physical body into electric energy. The high silicon content of the collagen in this tissue makes this possible.
Ana Karina

"I did several Fasciapulsology sessions with Daniela. I felt the benefits after the first appointment. I have a hiatal hernia that caused me strong reflux. In the initial two sessions I saw improvements regarding this issue. She also treated me for a liver fatigue (detox) after taking antibiotics for a long period of time and also during high stress periods. Daniela is a sensitive and very professional therapist whom I highly recommend."

"I was quite skeptical about the benefits of fasciapulsology before taking the test. I was in a very bad shape and had just returned from a hospitalisation for a necrotic fibroid which was causing me a lot of pain. Not only was Daniela able to put me at ease with her natural kindness and gentleness, but she also helped release the pain and tensions in my body.
Thanks to her who knew how to restore my well-being and energy in record time."

"For me, fasciapulsology is a recent discovery. The rhythm and the softness of the movements suit me perfectly. In my case, the feeling didn't appear during the session but the next couple of days as if the flow soothing was to spread. The words that best describe her practice are balance and harmony."

"Daniela was very attentive to my needs during our first meeting. The benefits of this technique allows me to soothe myself and positively manage the stress and pressure of work in the hospital. For me, fasciapulsology was a great discovery. Now this manual therapy is part of my regular appointments."

My path...

The equilibrium between our inner and outer world is in constant adjustmet. The communication that takes place is an art the we can all develop listening to the language of our body and our spirit as they collide.
From a young age, this communication was very present in my life but not really conscious. My many years in competition sports and as a danser as well as my career in the visual arts have developed a pronounced self-expression that kept me very in touch with my inner senses. It wasn’t until, many years later, when my infant required hospitalisation that the need to understand the language of the body and emotions became alive and conscious.
My interest in understanding the different signals and resources that each of us uses to express ourselves and communicate to fulfil our needs has become a personal quest. This enriching experience opened up a new vision of health in all its aspects of my personal and professional world. Naturally, over time, this vision and this way of life became the center of my professional practice.
This journey started in Paris where I reside today. I become a manual therapist in Fasciapulsology, followed by courses in hypnose, NLP and neuro-sciences applied to meditation. All these techniques and modalities have helped me discover and conceptualise the human being as a whole : mentally, physically and emotionally.
Today, in my role as a manual therapist and life-intelligence facilitator, I assist others in the way to discover the path to their own best holistic well-being, finding health from the inside out.
session details
A session lasts approximately 1h. For a first time the duration is 1h20m in order to discuss about the medical history. The sessions are spaced out approximately 3 to 4 weeks apart (shortened period if specific need arises)
The session does not in any way replace an allopathic treatment.
At my practice in Antony 92160, France 90€
At the comfort of your home 100€
Package 3 sessions in Antony 240€
pacemaker carriers
pregnant women under three months
untreated high or low blood pressure
people with phlebitis
people taking anticoagulant medication